
Responding to Randy’s recent encouragement, travelers share their stories of “giving the gift of 
Raudonvaris Castle, west of Kaunas, Lithuania.
Castles along the Nemunas River in Lithuania
The view of the Bryggen from our room at the Clarion Admiral Hotel — Bergen.
The Bryggen of Bergen — Norway’s Hanseatic 
Tempting plates in Spain’s tapas bars make it easy to sample new foods. Photo: Rick Steves
Eating well by seeking out local specialty foods and national dishes
Cornwall’s St. Michael’s Mount is almost a mirror image of Normandy’s Mont- St-M
St. Michael’s Mount, in the English Channel off of Cornwall
In European towns, big and small, helpful signs direct drivers to the main sight
Driving on the Continent
Inner courtyard at Muiden Castle — the Netherlands. Photos: Skurdenis
Two castles near Amsterdam that are more than 700 years old — Muiden Castle and Door­werth Castle (2 of 2 on Netherlands)
Neris River and the Pajauta Valley with Hearth Mound in the foreground.
Kernave in Lithuania — royal mounds and excavated artifacts