travel insurance articles

My husband, John, and I and another couple visited Ireland and Scotland, finishing up with a few days in Amsterdam, Sept. 2-16, 2006. Since John is a home brewer, we are always on the lookout for good beer when we travel, and we found plenty of it in all three cities in which we stayed.
My friend Pat Powers and I would like to bring to your attention what we believe to be a great bargain.
I returned to Paris in October ’06 and visited several places of interest.
My wife, Patricia, has severe arthritis and walks with two canes. On a trip to Russia a few years ago, we encountered the following issues as regards accessibility.
“Saving Private Ryan” and “The Thin Red Line” are about as realistic as war movies get, but I saw a couple of battle films that they couldn’t hold a rifle to. In one, British Tommies in World War I clambered over the top of their muddy trench to face withering German fire that cut many down.
The National Museum of Denmark (Frederiks­holms Kanal 12, Copenhagen; phone [+45] 3313 4411 or visit Open Tuesday-Sunday 10-5. Admission free) is one of the largest archaeological museums we have ever visited anywhere.
From Trier, GERMANY, April 21, 2007. . .