travel insurance articles

For a week’s stay in Paris, Feb. 27-March 6, 2010, I found the Paris Métro system just excellent.
by Julie Skurdenis
I love Christmas and everything about it — the card writing, the frenzied shopping, having friends over to share Yuletide cheer, the Nutcracker performances we haven’t missed in 30 years, and putting up a live tree and decorating it with the hundreds of ornaments we’ve collected over many years. My husband, Paul, laughingly claims I am the only one he knows who starts preparing for Christmas in the middle of summer. He exaggerates. I really don’t begin planning in the heat of a New York summer, although it is true that by Halloween, at the latest, preparations are well under way.
I read the subscribers’ experiences with chip-and-PIN cards (Aug. ’10, pg. 16). My wife.
Combine picturesque Dutch cities, luxuriant waterlands, acres of bulb farms and the famed Keukenhof garden in full splendor with a witty guide, skilled barge pilot, master chef and 16 compatible travelers and you have yourself a fine vacation.
In Amsterdam, Hotel Fita (Jan Luykenstraat 37 1071 CL Amsterdam, Holland; phone [020] 679 09 76, may be the best value in Europe!
At Boutique Bed & Breakfast (Ulica Smolna 14 m.
Walt Huse’s story “Cruising Portugal’s Douro River” (Aug. ’10, pg. 6) brought to mind an observation I wish to share.