Used US handicap placard in two Italy towns

By Jack & Elizabeth Kaufman
This item appears on page 14 of the May 2019 issue.

After picking up a car in Munich, Germany, in late October 2018, we drove to northern Italy for a 10-day stay. While in Trieste for four days and in Cividale del Friuli (an hour’s drive away) for two, we successfully used our US handicap-parking placard without any problem, which was quite convenient. It also was thrifty, because handicap parking places were free of charge.

We wanted to inform ITN readers about a website for mobility impaired motorists: It outlines the ground rules for using handicap placards in various countries, including Italy. From this site, you can print out a notification (in our case, it was in Italian) explaining reciprocity rules, which can be displayed on your dashboard along with your placard.

As stated on the website, the use of your placard is, in the end, up to the discretion of local authorities. Our B&B host received confirmation from the Trieste police department that our placard could be used for any handicap-parking spot in the vicinity of the B&B.

Other countries in Europe may also extend reciprocal privileges. We recommend you check in advance. At whichever accommodation you’ll be staying, have the proprietor ask the local police whether your handicap placard will be honored and, if so, where.


Shawnee, KS