Unexpected amenities
In May 2013, a friend and I had just completed a wonderful trip to Uzbekistan. Before coming back to the USA, we continued on to beautiful Kyrgyzstan, where we stayed at a lovely small hotel in the capital, Bishkek.
The hotel had individual cottages, and ours was quite nice and clean, but the shower continuously leaked. After each shower, one would have to use towels to sop up the water that accumulated on the floor.
We finally decided to let the proprietor know about this potentially dangerous problem. But when we walked to the office and explained the situation, we got a shock and a laugh when we were handed a bucket and mop!
Tell us about the funniest thing that happened to you while traveling in a foreign country. (ITN prints no info on destinations in the United States.) There are no restrictions on length. ITN staff will choose each month’s winner, who will receive a free one-year subscription to ITN. Include your full mailing address. Entries not chosen cannot be acknowledged.
This month’s winner is KAY FONG of Los Angeles, California: