Scrubba Wash Bag

This item appears on page 63 of the December 2015 issue.

For travelers without access to a laundry, the Scrubba Wash Bag is a watertight bag with a washboard-surface interior for cleaning clothes. One wash load can include two shirts and two pairs each of pants, underwear and socks.  To use, place clothing in the bag with some liquid soap, add warm water up to the fill line, then seal the bag and buckle it shut. Rub the clothes against the flexible washboard for 30 seconds to three minutes. Clothes can be rinsed in the bag or in the bath, after which you hang the clothes to dry or first roll them in a towel to speed up the drying. Made of microbial- and hydrolysis-resistant plastic, the Scrubba Wash Bag weighs five ounces and folds to pocket-size. It’s available online at for $55 or, in a traveler’s kit that includes a clothesline and drying towel, $99. Shipping is free within the US.