Funniest Thing for Feb '10
Tell ITN about the funniest thing that ever happened to you while traveling in a foreign country. (ITN prints no info on destinations in the United States.) There are no restrictions on length. The ITN staff will choose each month’s winner, who will receive a free one-year subscription to ITN. Entries not chosen cannot be acknowledged.
This month’s winner is MERYL EVERETT of Scotts Valley, CA:
Several years ago I was vacationing in Fiji with my husband, our three young sons and our adopted biracial toddler. The latter caused much interest in the islands, as the locals were convinced she was Fijiian.
One morning the housekeeper at our motel asked me who the baby’s father was. Without thinking, I truthfully answered, “ I don’t know.”
The shocked look on her face was a picture to remember!