Katadyn water purifier

This item appears on page 57 of the May 2009 issue.

For a trip to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos in January ’09, like the writer of the letter “SteriPEN® Sterilizes Water” (March ’09, pg. 56) I too was concerned about the expense and environmental aspects of drinking bottled water exclusively.

My solution was to purchase a Katadyn Extream XR (www.katadyn.com) “personal water purification system,” which consists of a 1½-pint bottle with an insert that filters and purifies water.

I bought mine at REI (800/426-4840, www.rei.com) for about $50. The included filter is good for 164 refills. I brought along a second filter, which cost about $15, but didn’t need to use it.

Although I used my bottle to purify only tap water, supposedly it can also be used to filter and purify stream water when hiking or backpacking.

There are no rules against taking EMPTY water bottles through airport security!

Also like the above-mentioned writer, I take Pepto-Bismol to help prevent stomach problems — one tablet after each meal and one at bedtime.


Portland, OR