Bag left behind

This item appears on page 34 of the October 2008 issue.

I want to relate an incident that occurred on Aug. 4, 2008, at the Charles de Gaulle Airport in France.

We had taken a shuttle from the Hilton to the check-in area. It was not until we received our boarding passes that we realized we had left a carry-on bag on the shuttle bus.

As soon as we cleared security, I explained the problem to the clerk at the Air France lounge. She checked with Lost & Found and discovered the bag was there but said it was too close to boarding time to retrieve it before we flew out.

The clerk gave us a fax number to contact when we arrived home. We would have to describe the bag and its contents and arrange to have it sent to us. Dejected, we boarded our flight for Detroit.

We were seated and ready for takeoff when an Air France cabin attendant arrived with our bag! We are so grateful and impressed with this “above and beyond” service.


Philadelphia, PA