Funniest Thing for March
Tell ITN about the funniest thing that ever happened to you while traveling in a foreign country. There are no restrictions on length. (ITN prints no info on destinations in the U.S., Canada, Mexico or the Caribbean.) The ITN staff will choose each month’s winner, who will receive a free one-year subscription to ITN. Entries not chosen cannot be acknowledged.
This month’s winner happens to be an ITN Contributing Editor, JUDITH ANSHIN of Sacramento, CA:
One morning at breakfast in Agra, India, I hung my purse over the back corner of my chair. Later, engrossed in the table conversation, I reached behind me with my right hand to grab my bag so I could retrieve my vitamins. I felt something, but it certainly didn’t feel like my microfiber bag, so I reached up a little higher, then lower, but still it didn’t feel right.
Finally, I turned around and there stood a waiter, holding the coffee and tea pots, with a surprised look on his face! He started laughing and so did I, while I managed an apology and explained that I had been looking for my bag.
The rest of the morning, whenever anyone at the table needed a refill, he approached the table from another direction.